Cable Lateral Raise

Pro Tip

For greater benefit, try holding the cables for 1 second before lowering them when your arms are parallel to the ground.

How To

  1. Stand upright and grab the cable on either side of you with your opposing hand, holding them with a neutral grip.
  2. With your arms straight, exhale and raise them out to your sides.
  3. Keeping your arms straight, continue to raise your arms until they are parallel with the ground.
  4. Inhale and lower your arms back down, returning them to the starting position.

Primary Muscle Groups

Side Shoulder

Outer portion of your shoulder.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Back Shoulder

Outer region of your upper back as well as the back area of your shoulder.

Front Shoulder

Front portion of your shoulder.


Far Pulley Towers

If no other options are available, you can use close pulley towers instead. However this is not preferable.

Single Grip Handles

Some exercises may require you to use only one handle. Pay close attention to the animation to verify the number of handles needed.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment