Seated Lateral Raise

Pro Tip

Try to lift the dumbbells mostly through your shoulders, not your lower back.

How To

  1. Sit on a bench while leaning slightly forward with dumbbells in your hands and palms facing one another directly under your shoulders.
  2. Keeping a slight bend in your arms, exhale and lean back to an upright position while raising the dumbbells out to your sides and slightly back.
  3. Continue until your torso is upright and your arms are parallel to the ground, maintaining a slight bend in them.
  4. Inhale and lower the dumbbells while allowing your torso to lean slightly forward, returning to the starting position.

Primary Muscle Groups

Side Shoulder

Outer portion of your shoulder.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Front Shoulder

Front portion of your shoulder.

Lower Back

Center region of your back, spanning from the pelvis to just below the neck. However, parts of it are hidden beneath other muscles. The lower portion is the most visible.



When gripping dumbbells, make sure you position your hands in the middle of the bar and not at the end next to the plates.

Flat Bench Without Rack

If you can't find this bench, consider using a flat bench with rack instead. If your exercise requires you to use a barbell or bar, you cannot substitute. If you do not need to use either, you probably can substitute.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment