Lying Leg Curl

Pro Tip

For added benefit, lower your legs slowly.

How To

  1. Lie face down, adjusting the machine so that the pad is between your calf and the back of your ankle while grabbing the handles in front of you.
  2. Exhale as you curl your legs towards you, trying to bring the pad towards your butt.
  3. While keeping your thighs firmly pressed against the machine, continue to curl your legs until you can no longer do so.
  4. Inhale and lower your legs back down.

Primary Muscle Groups


Muscles spanning the back of your thigh.

Secondary Muscle Groups

This exercises doesn't have any secondary muscle groups


Leg Curl Machine

This machine can help you improve your deadlift strength.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment