Assisted Pull Up

Pro Tip

Unlike most other movements, the higher the weight you select for this movement, the easier it is to do. Some gyms have bars instead of pads. If your gym has a bar, place your feet on it instead.

How To

  1. With the bar in front of your nose, grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your palms facing away from you and place your knees on the pad.
  2. Inhale and lower yourself down by allowing your arms to extend.
  3. Continue lowering yourself until your arms are fully extended.
  4. Exhale and pull on the bar to raise yourself up, returning to the starting position.

Primary Muscle Groups


Largest muscle of your back, spanning from the lower to middle regions creating a v shape.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Back Shoulder

Outer region of your upper back as well as the back area of your shoulder.

Inner Bicep

Inner portion of your bicep.

Inner Forearm

A group of muscles on the inside of your lower arm.

Outer Bicep

Outer portion of your bicep.

Outer Forearm

A group of muscles on the outside and sides of your lower arm.

Upper Back

A significant portion of the upper region of your back. It is widest in the middle, forming a diamond shape that connects the middle of your back to both of your shoulder blades and the upper portion of your neck. It is comprised of three regions. Each region has a different function and is trained in different ways.


Assisted Weight Machine

This machine helps you perform bodyweight exercises by reducing the amount of your bodyweight you have to lift.


This means that the exercise requires you to use your bodyweight as resistance but you also need other equipment to successfully perform the exercise.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment