EZ Bar Bench Press

Pro Tip

To emphasize your chest more, flare your elbows out. To focus more on your triceps, keep your elbows more tucked in.

How To

  1. Lie flat on the bench so that your head, upper back, lower back, and both feet are firmly pressed against the bench and ground at all points.
  2. Grab the EZ bar on the rack slightly inside of shoulder-width by extending your arms and bring it forward until it is over the middle of your chest and your arms are fully extended.
  3. Inhale and lower the EZ bar towards the middle of your chest.
  4. Continue lowering the EZ bar until just before it makes contact with your chest.
  5. Exhale and push the EZ bar upwards returning to the starting position, while keeping your feet, lower back, upper back, and head firmly planted.
  6. Once all reps are completed, return the EZ bar to the rack.

Primary Muscle Groups

Outer Tricep

Outer region of your tricep.

Upper Chest

Smallest portion of your chest, spanning from your clavicle to your shoulder. It takes up a very small area of your chest and is multiple times smaller than your sternal head.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Front Shoulder

Front portion of your shoulder.

Lower Chest

Largest portion of your chest, spanning from your sternum to your shoulder. It takes up a majority of your chest and is multiple times larger than your clavicular head.

Lower Tricep

Lower tricep, close to your elbow.

Upper Tricep

Upper region of your tricep.


EZ Bar

Make sure you grip the same type of curve with each hand when using an EZ bar.

Flat Bench Without Rack

If you can't find this bench, consider using a flat bench with rack instead. If your exercise requires you to use a barbell or bar, you cannot substitute. If you do not need to use either, you probably can substitute.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment